The Trees Are Coded Now?

From the majesty of trees themselves to the paper they are cut down to produce, all the way the barcodes that are printed on much of said paper, the journey of forests has never been encapsulated quite like this. Designer and painter Camila Echavarría has spent years creating a collection of wildly unique artworks titled “From Barcodes To Trees” that she has for sale Instagram and her website is at

With my brush, barcodes intertwine with nature, guiding viewers into a realm where the known merges with the unknown, inviting profound contemplation.

Guided by the intricate dance of Fibonacci, my art achieves a meticulous harmony amidst chaos, a testament to the wonder of mathematics interwoven with creativity.

My artistry has earned me the title of Artist of the Year 2023 at the DSWF exhibition in London. I also showcased my work in exhibitions across Copenhagen, Mallorca, Miami, and Medellin, and shows such as Miami Art, Palm Beach Art, and Wynwood Art. – Camila Echavarría 

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