Tequila Alquimia.

It’s quite a well known fact amongst my closest friends and colleagues that I’m somewhat of a tequila connoisseur.  It’s also quite a well circulated myth that all I drink is Jose Cuervo, but I wanted to lay that one to rest right now.  After a night out with a few friends, I was introduced to the wonders of Tequila Alquimia, and I’ve been raving about it ever since.  Based primarily in southern California, Alquimia has won multiple awards including #1 on GQ’s hot tequila list, and is made from only the finest organic blue agave.  I know the concept of organic tequila might seem a little strange to some people, but hey… I try to be as healthy as possible.  Hopefully in the future they’ll expand past California, so I can grab a bottle no matter where in the world I grab a drink.  You can check more about Alquimia, their assortment of flavors, and other info at www.tequilaalquimia.com.

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